As always the meal at Bagneres was really good — that, and the views are what keep us coming back.
The results are shown in full on the results page, but the top three were: 3rd with 32 points David Coles; 2nd on countback with 32 points Don Dawson and in first place the handicap secretary himself, Pete Giles, with 35 points.
We lunched on the terrace and Caption Rob presented a gift on behalf of the Musketeers of two bottles of Pellehaut's top red wine. There were several pleas to Roger to open it, but as the previous year's Decanter winner, Roy Sherwin, had followed the tradition of supplying wine for the Decanter, we had more than enough wine to go round.
Noud Janssen then made a special presentation to Roger. It was a mocked-up cover of a golf magazine showing a swarthy Roger Barton with a very professional follow-through and most of the cover lines referred to Roger. Everyone was in awe of Noud's creative skills and Pete Giles reminded us that Noud had done a similar 'special' for Pete's 60th birthday (see the Pictures page).
All in all it was a splendid day.
Sadly, when we returned home we received some tragic news from our dear friend Clive announcing the sudden death of his son. Our thoughts are with Clive and Jackie at such a difficult time.